Monday, September 22, 2008

How a robot works??

Definition of a Robot:A robot is automous(independent).It is a machine that uses power, sensors, processsors, and actuators. Robots are used in dangerous situations environments. A robot doesnt need food or sleep. A robot is faster, consistant, and higher quality. This is my definition of a robot.

Online Definition mechanical device that sometimes resembles a human and is capable of performing a variety of often complex human tasks on command or by being programmed in advance.

There are 3 steps for robots.1st Step: Senses 2nd Step: Decides 3rd Step: Acts. Sensors: Light Sensor, Heat Sensor, Motion Sensor, Surface Sensor.Actuators: Levers, Wheels, Pullys, Controllers.

Senses: Senses information about the information.
Decides: Decides on what actions to make based on sensors information.
Acts: Controls gear, levers, wheels, pullys and other devices to get the job done.

Monday, September 1, 2008

My Summer!!

I had a very fun summer this year!!!!!

I went to munich, Germany with my family. I met many of my friends in school there. We had alot of fun. We went to theme parks, and we had lunch together. This summer was more exciting for me becuase i spent it with my friends in a very nice country. Hopefully next summer will be even more amazing and ill meet my friends there hopefully!!