2.My topic is: Flood. I have done a lot of research about floods, and posted them in my Google documents. I have also added a couple of nice pictures. Then I used iWeb to add all my information, and i also added pictures.
3. I decided to use a Notebook background, which is great and like it. It has many different colorful colors, like blue, yellow, green, and orange. I have also added 1 video about floods.
4. At the moment I have 5 pages but 2 or 3 of them are blank, but i am going to fill them with facts, games , pictures and many other interesting things.
5. Many things in Apple iWeb works perfectly, and some things doesn't work very good. Inserting pictures and texts were very easy, but i had trouble inserting videos, but now I managed to insert a video.
7. No, I dont have an emergency page, or a reference page.
8. At the moment, i dont have a delicious account, but will make one now.